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Technology Services

The goal of the Lake Geneva Schools Technology Department is to provide access to applicable and purposeful technology resources and tools to meet or exceed the educational goals of the Lake Geneva Schools System.  We assist and guide staff members in utilizing technology skillfully and efficiently in the classroom. The Lake Geneva Schools Technology Department strives to stay up to date with new technology trends in education while providing our students with a multitude of ways for exploring technology resources to enhance their educational pursuits.

student working on a chromebook

Internet Safety

Meet the Tech Team

James Adams
Director of Technology
262-348-1000 ext. 1105

Mary Ann Carrizales
Technical Support Specialist & Device Specialist
262-348-2000 ext. 2622

Melissa Dodge
Student Information System Specialist
262-348-2000 ext. 2621

Chris Keogh
Network Technician
262-348-3000 ext. 3009

Char Means
Technical Support Specialist
262-348-2000 ext. 2623

Student Chromebook Information

Technology Resources

Graduating and wish to take your google stuff with you?

Go to, the portal for exporting your personal data from your account, or click this block. Select the new “Circles” tool. You'll be asked to sign in multiple times to protect your information. Once you get to the transfer tool, enter your destination account's email address and sign in to that account as well.